To transform and develop The Church with the Holy Bible as the standard, evangelism as the Ministry. The pursuit of the well-being of members and the salvation of souls for the attainment of the Kingdom of God.
A strong focus on the expansion of the Kingdom of God, the growth of The Church and the spiritual and moral development of members.
To evangelize and win souls for the Lord Jesus Christ and prepare mankind for His second coming.
We believe that God is one and has no equal. He is the Creator of the Universe. We believe God is an Omnipotent, Omniscient and Omnipresent Spirit who is the beginning and the end of all things and beings. We believe that this God is a loving Father and has manifested His truth, holiness, goodness, power and glory in the Son by the Holy Spirit. We believe in God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit compound in unity as the Blessed Holy Trinity: to whom Honor, Praise and Glory are for ever and ever.
We believe in the Supreme and the sovereignty of God the Father, who by His word Created Heavens and Earth, the sea and all that dwell therein. We believe that God has granted unto man free will, but the human mind is much too narrow in its scope to comprehend the greatness of God. We believe that God has a purpose for creating everything He has created, and that this process of creation still continues under His direction. We believe that one of the characteristics of God the Father is to be merciful and forgiving: we believe, as a matter of facts, that God the Father is a supreme Being of highly personal and m oral nature in this aspect hence He is addressed as father god or Almighty God, the giver of all good things, the glorified One and the Omnipotent.
We believe Jesus as the Begotten Son of God, and as the true Word of God that Father. We believe Jesus was with God in the beginning and that without His nothing was nothing created. We believe He (Jesus) was born of the Virgin Mary who was conceived by the Holy Spirit. We believe He lived a sinless life and yet He was crucified for us as part of Divine plan for the redemption of mankind. We believe that Jesus is in Father and the Father is in Jesus. “I and Father are one” (John 10:30). The Divine birth of Jesus and the power to forgive sin made us believe that Jesus and God are one. We believe He rose from the dead on the third day of His crucifixition and, therefore, ascend into Heaven after He has manifested Himself to His disciples. We believe that Jesus will come back in full glory and majesty to judge the living and the dead.
We believe that the Holy Spirit radiates from the Father and the Son to comfort, direct and strengthen human being and to manifest and fulfill the will of God. We believe that it was by the Holy Spirit that the prophets were directed to foretell the manner of conception and birth of Christ and through the Virgin Mary, the mother of our Lord Jesus Christ. He was conceived and born of it. We believe that through the Holy Spirit, spiritual power such as the power of prophecy, of wisdom, of knowledge, of miraculous healing, and of discerning of spirits, are given to man. We believe that these spiritual powers are still freely given unto the faithful who by their self-denial or inherent grace merit the free gift from God.
We believe that the words of the Holy Bible were inspired and that men moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God. We, therefore accept the Scripture as the authoritative word of God.
We believe that the Old Covenant contained in the Old Testament was preparatory to the “New” and that its institutions were temporary in character. We believe that the New Testament, which was manifested through the Lord Jesus Christ, constitutes the permanent fulfillment of the Old. We believe that the Central theme of all messages in the Bible is the Salvation of mankind, and all messages in the Bible, therefore, point to the Lord Jesus Christ who brought Salvation to mankind.
It is of Him that the Scriptures of the Old Testament bear witness and He is the one that the Scriptures of the New Testament proclaim.
We believe in the truths as expressed in the three Creeds; Nicene Creed, Athansius’s Creed, and that commonly called, the Apostle’s Creed, for their foundation is in the Holy Scriptures.
We believe that in the beginning, God created all things through His word and that Jesus Christ in the word. We believe that God in the beginning and the end of all things visible and invisible. We believe that in the creation of man God gave man a free will, a moral character, a superior intellect and spiritual nature, which distinguishes man from lower animal and stamped with the image of God.
We believe that God created man sinless and holy, but that man failed when subjected to a moral test which should have brought him to full spiritual maturity. Our sins make us to fall short of the Glory of God and the penalty was imposed on the human race. We believe that the children are born with a nature which will manifest itself as sinful as they mature but that when they come to know themselves as responsible to God, they must repent and believe in Christ in order to be saved. We believed that Jesus Christ died for us and that through this sacrifice those who have faith in Him will be saved.
We believe that the Grace of God saves not by character, law, good works, or ceremonies, but men. The merits of the death and resurrection of Christ are adequate for the salvation of all men are offered to all and are intended for all who believe in Him. Salvation is appropriated by faith in Christ.
We believe that Christ as Lord and Savior does His work through the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit convicts of sin. Through the Holy Spirit those who believe are born again. The supreme ministry of the Spirit is to lead man to Christ and obey His word; the Holy Spirit transforms them into the spiritual image of Jesus Christ and enables perseverance in faith and holiness. The indwelling of the Holy Spirit is God’s seal of ownership of the Christians believer.
We believe that God’s redemption work has led to the establishment of the Christian Church. Christ established His Church when He poured out His Spirit on the day of Pentecost. In preparation for this Church, He entered into covenant relationships with Abraham and his seed. Today the spiritual “seed of Abraham” and those who have faith in Christ the people of God the body of Christ composed of believers from all races and nations.
We believe that the Lord Jesus has given authority to His Church to exercise discipline. The purpose is to lead member to full stature in Christ to restore to full fellowship of the members who fall away from discipleship to promote the purity of the church, to warn the weak and immature of the serious character of the good name and witness of the church before the world. As a result, the church employs public teaching, private counseling, intercessory prayer, fasting, earnest warning, rebuke and sympathetic encouragement.
The Lord Jesus and His Apostles instituted ordinances for the church to observe permanently as symbols of Christian truths. Among these is baptism with water, the communion of the Lord’s Supper, the washing of the saint’s feet, the holy kiss, the laying on of hands in ordination, the veiling of Christian women, the anointing of the sick with oil, and the institution of Christian marriage. The saints observe the first day of each week in memory of the Lord’s resurrection.
We believe that the church should exercise a ministry of prayer for those who are in need. Prayer for the sick is by mean of anointing them with oil by the elders of the church. When healing does not occur, we believe that God’s grace is sufficient and that His will has been done as may be most expedient for us.
We believe that Christ has commissioned the church to go into the world and make disciple of all the nations baptizing them, and teaching them to observe His commandments. We believe that Jesus has entrusted the stewardship of the gospel and promised the power of the Holy Spirit for the work of evangelism
We believe that it is the intention of Christ that there should be shepherd in His congregations to feed the flocks, to serve as leaders to expound the word of God, to administer the ordinances, to exercise a spiritual church discipline, and in general as church workers. Ordination by means of anointing with oil or laying on of hands, assigning responsibilities and of God imparting strength for the assignment. There should be such spiritual gifts as distinguished prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers.
We believe in obeying the instruction of the Lord Jesus to baptize believers with water in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. One must repent to qualify for Baptism, turn to Christ in sincere faith and accept Him as Lord. For this reason, we believe that adult baptism is preferable to infant baptism. We regard water baptism as an ordinance of Christ which symbolizes the baptism of the Holy Spirit, divine cleansing from sin and its guilt, identification with Christ in His death and resurrection, and the commitment to follow Him in a life of faithful discipleship.
We believe in observing the communion of the Lord’s Supper as an ordinance instituted by Jesus Christ to symbolize the new covenant. We recognize the bread and the cup of as symbols commemorating Christ broken body, and shed blood of our spiritual life in Him and of the spiritual unity and fellowship of the body of Christ. The Lord’s Supper shall be observed faithfully until the second coming of the Lord.
We believe in the observance of the washing of the saints feet as an ordinance instituted by the Lord Jesus. The ordinance reminds us of the brotherhood character of church, of our mutual duty to serve and admonish one another and of our need for continuous cleansing in our daily walk of life.
We believe that men and women are equal in the sight of God, for in Christ there is neither male nor female. But in the creation, God has fitted man and woman for differing functions. Man has been given a primary leadership role while the woman is especially fitted for nurture and service. The New Testament symbols of man’s headship are to be his short hair, and uncovered head while praying or prophesying, and the symbols of woman’s role are her long hair and her veiled head.
We believe that at the beginning of human history, God instituted marriage; He ordained that a man shall leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife and that the two shall become one in love and mutual submission. Christian home ought regularly to have family worships to seek faithfully to live according to the word of God and to support loyally the church in its mission.
We believe that there are two opposing kingdom to which men give their spiritual allegiance, that of Christ and that of Satan. The kingdom of Christ is composed of those who have been born again and who have entered into a faith union with the Lord Jesus Christ. Those who belong to Satan’s kingdom live for sin and self refusing the obedient of faith.
We believe that it is a major Christian obligation to be strictly truthful and transparently honest in life with no secrecy of hypocrisy. We are opposed to membership in secret and satanic societies, because such membership would involve an unequal yoke with unbelievers. We believe that it is in the church that we shall find love, fellowship, and security.
We believe that it is the will of God for His children to follow Christian love in all human relationship. Such a life of love excludes retaliation and revenge. The children of God must desire the welfare of all men. Only love must be shown to all men. We believe that this applies to every area of life.
We believe that the State is ordained of God to maintain law and order. We seek to obey the New Testament command to render honor to the authorities, to pay our taxes, to obey all the laws which do not conflict with the higher law of God, and to pray for our rulers. The church should also bear witness to the authorities of God’s redeeming love in Christ and of His sovereignty over all men.
We believe that in addition to the physical order with which our senses are related, there also exists an eternal order, the realm of God, of Christ, of the Holy Spirit, of the angels and of the church triumphant. We believe that at death, the righteous enter at once into conscious joy of fellowship with Christ, while the wicked are in a state of conscious suffering. The church also looks forward with hope to the day of the Lord, to the personal return of Christ, and the glorious future of the Kingdom of God. In the second coming of Christ. He will judge Satan and usher in the consummation of all things. His coming will introduce the resurrection, the transformation of the living saints, the judgment of the just and unjust and the fulfillment of the glorious reign. He will deliver the Kingdom to God His Father, cleansed the world by fire, create new heavens and a new earth, consign unbelievers to eternal punishment, and usher His children into the eternal bliss of the world to come.
The believe in the Trinity of God, The exposition of the Holy Scriptures, The exegesis on the power of the Holy Spirit, Attendance of Church Services, Love toward God and Neighbor, and the Unification of all Cherubim & Seraphim Churches in its control, Government and Worship.